
The population covers all residents listed in the national register. The statistics include details on birth dates, sex and more.


  • Sex distribution is the percentage distribution between males and females.
  • Excess of births is the difference of live births over deaths.
  • Net migration is the difference of immigrants over emigrants.
  • Population density is a measurement of population per square kilometres.
  • Index shows the year-to-year percentage change, with a base year set at 100. The difference between two years is measured in percentage points.
  • Mean population is the average of the population at the beginning and end of the year.
  • Nordic region includes Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Finnland, Åland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
  • EU (from June 2020) refers to EU27_2020, which is the European Union with a fixed area composition of the current 27 countries.

See also Excess of births, Net migration and Forecast.

The figures have a one-month lag due to delays in registrations, especially regarding address changes, where many entries are made after the month of address change has ended. To allow for as many corrections as possible, there is a one-month lag in the data.


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Note: By 1. January
Note: By 1. January
Note: By 1. January
Note: By 1. January
Note: By 1. January
Note: Latest available
Note: Mean population