General government expenditures

General government expenditures are the total annual expenditures of the whole institutional sector. The expenditures are divided on institutional sectors according to the international COFOG classification (Classification of the Functions of Government). The purpose of the classification of general government expenditures is to illustrate how the functions of the government are prioritized. 

General government incomes are predominately taxes, and therefore the general government expenditures show how the taxes are used for different socioeconomic objectives. 

The general government expenditures are divided on functions based on an international templet, and therefore it is possible to compare the statistics with other countries. The expenditures are also divided into institutional sectors. The functions are in 2 main groups, 10 groups and 69 subgroups.  


  • The general government sector is divided into four subsectors:
    • Central government
    • State government
    • Local government
    • Social security funds
  • Institutional sectors groups institutional units into five mutually exclusive sectors. Institutional units are economic entities that are capable of owning goods and assets, of incurring liabilities and of engaging in economic activities and transactions with other units in their own right.
    • Non-financial corporations
    • Financial corporations
    • General government
    • Households
    • Non-profit institutions serving households
    • The rest of the world is a sixth institutional sector which includes all non-resident units
  • Index shows the year-to-year percentage change, with a base year set at 100. The difference between two years is measured in percentage points.
  • EA refers to the euro area with a fixed area composition of the current 19 countries.
  • EU (from June 2020) refers to EU27_2020, which is the European Union with a fixed area composition of the current 27 countries.
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