
Employment figures include data on work hours, regional and sex distribution, etc.

Employment status includes:

  • Employee
  • Employer
  • Self-employed
  • Contributing family workers
  • Never worked


  • Labour force consists of the section of the population aged between 15 and 74 either in employment or unemployed. Those who are neither actively employed nor unemployed are classified as being outside the labour force.
  • Activity rate is the labour force in % of the working-age population (15-74).
  • A working week is the total number of hours a person works in a full working week. The standard working week in the Faroe Islands is 40 hours, but some employee contracts may outline a shorter working week.

Population censuses provide a snapshot of society on a given day.

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Note: Census 2011
Note: Census 2011
Note: Census 2011
Note: Census 2011
Note: Census 2011