Exports of goods
16. Jul 2021
Export value down 13%

Total exports from June 2020 to May 2021 were valued at DKK 8.2 billion, a drop of DKK 1.2 billion (-13%) compared to the previous 12-month period. Fish exports went down by DKK 1 billion (-12%).

The tables below show the June 2020-May 2021 export values and volumes compared to the previous 12-month period.

Exports have gone down in just about all groups.

The export value of salmon dropped by DKK 350 million (9%). The export volume increased by 1%.

Cod exports went down 25% in value and down 27% in volume.

The export value of mink feed and other fish produce has been cut in half, while the volume has dropped a full 73%.





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