Exports of goods
16. Sep 2022
Fish exports up 29% in first seven months of 2022

Fish exports amounted to DKK 6.1 billion from January to July, an increase of DKK 1.4 billion on the same period last year.

The total export value for the first seven months of 2022 was DKK 6.7 billion, an increase of DKK 1.6 billion (32%) compared to the same period of 2021.

Mackerel exports increased significantly due to last year’s mackerel quota being reached later than usual.

The export value of salmon is on a steady increase, reaching DKK 3 billion in the first seven months, a year-on-year increase of DKK 707 million (30%). This reflects good prices as the export volume has dropped by 5,000 tonnes (12%).

The figures for cod and haddock also look promising. The export value for haddock increased by DKK 60 million (63%) and by DKK 214 million (42%) for cod. The export volume increased by 14% for haddock and by 15% for cod.



Exports to Russia amounted to DKK 19 million in July 2022. These exports consisted almost exclusively of fuel and other supplies sold to Russian ships.


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