Exports of goods
16. Feb 2022
Fish exports up by DDK 1.5 billion

Faroese exports are record high as fish exports saw a year-on-year increase of DDK 1.5 billion in 2021, representing a 20% increase in export value. Total export volume up by 3%.


Most commodity groups for exports are on the rise, particularly salmon exports which saw a year-on-year increase in value of DDK 1.2 billion. The export value of mature coalfish dropped 3.5%.  


Exports to America on the rise

Amerikanski marknaðurin er lutfalsliga vaksin mest, har útflutningsvirðið er hækkað 50% í 2021. Mesti vøksturin stavar frá laksaútflutninginum.


Fish exports

Despite a drop of 10.3% in volume, herring exports saw an increase of 14.2% in value. Cod exports dropped 12% in volume to a lowest-ever total of 9,556 ton.


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Note: Country of final destination