01. Sep 2020
Hotels bouncing back from Covid slump

The number of hotel overnight stays in the first seven months of this year was 45,577 compared to 99,942 in the same period last year – a drop of 54%. Following a drastic decline from March to June, visitor numbers in July started approaching July figures in previous years.

The graphs below show the monthly numbers of overnight stays and check-ins. The big slump in April, May and June virtually jumps out of the graphs. But by July, the numbers had swiftly recovered to the levels of July some 4-5 years ago.




Nógv flestu gistingar hjá fólki úr Danmark

As in previous years, Danish residents featured most prominently on the list of hotel stays, making up 43% of the total figure. Last year, Danish residents made up 30% of the total figure. Faroese residents are second this year, at 32%, compared to 18% last year. Other nations now represent 25% of the total, compared to 46% in the first seven months of last year.


This is also reflected in the table below, which groups overnight stays into the visitors’ country of residence. The drop in the number of overnight stays by Faroese and Danish residents is significantly smaller (21% and 38% respectively) than for residents of other nations. For instance, the number of Norwegian residents, who occupied third place on last year’s list, has declined by 75%, and the number U.S. residents, fourth on last year’s list, is down by 81% this year.


Tórshavn’s hotels had more stays in July this year than last July

Hotels outside of the capital region saw the greatest decline in visitor numbers this year, dropping down to a quarter of last year’s figure, while the numbers in Tórshavn were roughly cut in half.

This difference becomes even more remarkable when comparing July 2020 with July 2019. While the number of overnight stays outside the capital region went down by more than half, Tórshavn’s hotels had more overnight stays in July this year. A key factor here is that a large new hotel opened in the capital on 1 July.


At the bottom of the graphs and tables are definitions of overnight stays and check-ins. It should also be noted that these figures only apply to hotels, as there is insufficient data available on other types of temporary accommodation such as Bed & Breakfast, houses, flats and camping to provide a realistic picture of the general trends. All registered overnight stays are, however, listed in the statbank, grouped into the various accommodation types.

It is also important to note that as Statistics Faroe Islands does not have access to Airbnb data, there is no information on trends and developments for this accommodation type and how it may skew the overall figure for accommodation in the Faroe Islands.