Imports of goods
18. Dec 2024
Imports down DKK 1.5 billion

Total imports amounted to DKK 10.1 billion in November 2023 - October 2024. This is DKK 1.5 billion (13%) less than in the previous 12-month period.

The graphs below show import values and volumes in the November 2023 - October 2024 period compared with the previous 12-month period.

The drop in imports is driven by lower import values of fuels and ships. Imports of fuels and other oils fell by DKK 374 million, mainly due to lower prices.

Imports of machinery, engines, ships and vehicles fell by just over DKK 1 billion (30%). This decline mainly applies to ships, but vehicle imports fell by DKK 123 million, almost 20%.


Classifying imports by economic function, we see that goods for direct consumption went down by DKK 554 million (13%).

Imports for production use fell by DKK 84 million (1.7%). The biggest decline in this category was in construction (down DKK 88 million year-on-year). Imports of pharmaceuticals etc. increased by DKK 30 million.

The decrease in regular gross expenses is primarily driven by fewer imported ships in the period.


The table below shows that considerably less is imported from the EU and the USA, while imports from non-EU Europe have increased. Imports from the EU decreased by DKK 1.2 billion (19%), while imports from non-EU Europe increased by DKK 664 million (35%).


Imports from the EU have now returned to the same level as before 2022, at around DKK 400 million per month. In 2022 and 2023, these imports ranged between DKK 500-600 million per month. Meanwhile, imports from non-EU Europe have been growing in recent years, going from around DKK 100 million per month to DKK 150-200 million per month. Imports from Asia have remained at the same level for many years.


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