Imports of goods
17. Feb 2020
Imports have doubled since 2009
In 2019, Faroese imports of goods exceeded DKK 8 billion for the first time. The Faroe Islands imported goods worth more than DKK 8.1 billion in 2019, which is a 5% increase on 2018.
Imports of machinery and equipment went down in 2019, and fuel imports decreased by DKK 150 million compared to 2018. All other commodity groups saw increased imports, with the biggest increase in the “materials for other industries” category.
In 2009, the Faroe Islands imported goods worth DKK 4.2 billion, which means there has been a doubling in total imports over the past decade. It should, however, be kept in mind that 2009 saw a great drop in imports due to the financial crisis.