13. Oct 2021
Population increased by 854 people in the past year
This is a bigger increase than in the previous 12-month period, which saw an increase of 731 people, or 1.4%. The graph below shows the population trend over the past three years.
The population trend is determined by net migration (the difference in the number of immigrants and emigrants) and the excess of births over deaths. The increase in the past year is made up of a net migration figure of 551 and an excess-of-births figure of 303.
Both net migration and the excess of births over deaths have increased compared to the previous 12-month period. This is mainly due to an increase in live births and a lower emigration figure.
The solid lines in the graph below track the trend for immigration and emigration.
The solid lines in the graph below track the trend in live births and deaths.
The table below shows the population in each municipality on 1 September 2020 and 1 September 2021.
More than half of the 854 people that have been added to the total population are registered in Tórshavn municipality.
The highest percentage growth was in Nes municipality, with an increase of 3.7% (51 people).
The biggest percentage decline was in Kvívík municipality, which saw a population drop of 2.6% (16 people).
Fólkatølini eru ein mánað afturút
Orsøkin til, at fólkatølini eru ein mánað afturút, er at seinkingar eru í skrásetingunum, serliga flytingar, har fleiri verða skrásettar eftir at uppgjørdi mánaðurin er liðugur. Fyri at fáa tær flestu rættingarnar við, verður bíðað ein mánað, so at uppgerðin verður so rættvísandi sum gjørligt.
Stutt um fólkatølini
Fólkatalið er øll fólk, sum sambært Landsfólkaskránni eru skrásett at búgva í Føroyum.
Hagtøl um fólkatalið fevna um øll, sum eru skrásett at búgva í Føroyum, har tey eru lýst við føðidegi, kyni, føðistaði, ríksborgaraskapi, borgarastøðu, upplýsingum um møguliga tilflyting og fráflyting, innlendis eins og millum Føroyar og útlond.
Stutt um trendin
Trendurin lýsir rákið í fólkatalinum við at reinsa fyri árstíðarfrávik og aðrar tilvildarligar broytingar í fólkatalinum.