
Choose name


Compared to other names


Persons with this name


Persons with this name born in


You can search for first names (1st or 1st and 2nd name) of persons living in the Faroe Islands on 1st January . The names are listed as they are registered in the national register. If a person only has one first name it will be counted as a distinct name. If a persons has two first names, e.g. Hans Petur, the name also will be counted as one name. According to Faroese law given names should be reported 6 months at the latest after the child is born. The statistics is therefore compiled after 1st July.

Me and the statistics

My Name

How many are named the same as me?

My Birthday

How many share my birthday?

My Village

How is my village developing?

My generation and retention rate

How many people from my generation still live in the Faroe Islands?

My Income

How is my income compared to others?