Exports of goods
17. Jan 2023
Fish exports worth DKK 10.4 billion

The Faroe Islands exported fish products to the value of DKK 10.4 billion in the first 11 months of 2022.

Total exports from January to November 2022 amounted to DKK 11.4 billion, of which DKK 10.4 billion were fish products. Total exports in the same period of 2021 were worth DKK 8.9 billion, i.e. a year-on-year increase of 27%. The tables below show the export figures by fish species.

The export value has increased for all fish species. The increase mainly stems from higher prices as the export volume dropped by 4%.

The export value of salmon increased by 27%, from DKK 4 billion to DKK 5 billion, despite a 9% decline in export volume.

The export value of demersal fish species cod, saithe and haddock increased by DKK 439 million, or 37%. The export volume increased by 6%.



Exports to Russia amounted to DKK 73 million in November 2022, of which DKK 48 million was herring and DKK 20 million was fuel and other supplies sold to Russian ships.


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