25. Feb 2021
Hotel overnight stays decreased by more than 40% in 2020

The number of overnight stays in Faroese hotels dropped by 70,000 (40%) in 2020 compared to 2019. This is a relatively lower decline than in Denmark and Iceland, where hotel overnight stays dropped by about 50% and 70%, respectively.

Faroese hotels have suffered as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, with a year-on-year decline of 70,000 overnight stays last year.


Every month since the Covid-19 outbreak in March has had fewer overnight stays than the previous year, with the exception of December 2020 when the number increased by almost 25%. The biggest relative decline was in April when the number dropped by 90%.

Hotels in the capital region had just over 80,000 overnight stays in 2020, which is a decline of almost 45,000 (35%) on the previous year. Hotels outside of the capital region had just below 13,000 overnight stays last year, a decrease of almost 28,000 (70%).


The number of foreign tourists staying in hotels saw a year-on-year drop of 55% in 2020. Foreign tourists accounted for just over 60,000 overnight stays, which is a drop of 75,000 on the 2019 figure. In comparison, hotels in Denmark and Iceland saw a 75% decrease in this category.

Conversely, Faroese hotels had more local visitors in 2020 than in 2019. With just over 33,000 overnight stays, this figure increased by almost 10%. This was also the case in Iceland, where the number of Icelandic people visiting Icelandic hotels went up by about 20% last year. Denmark, on the other hand, saw a decrease of 30% in this category.


For statistics on overnight stays in Icelandic hotels, click here. For Danish hotels, click here.


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