22. Aug 2024
Households up 0.8% since start of the year
19,440 households were registered in the Faroes on 1 July. This is an increase of 152 since the start of 2024, during which time the overall population grew by 355 people.
The most common household type is single-person homes, making up a quarter of the total. Coming close behind are homes with two adults and no children. On 1 July, this group counted 4,828, which is just below a quarter of the total. Together, these two household types make up more than half of the total. Notably, two-thirds of all households have no children.
The largest percentage increase in recent years was in the household type consisting of one adult, going up by 27%.
About households
Households are defined as persons listed under the same address in the national register. Household statistics are compiled at the start of each month. The figures cover the entire Faroese population, i.e. the total number of people in households is equal to the total population figure. Adults are defined as 18 years or older.